Welcome to PT. Gemilang Cipta Abadi

PT. Gemilang Cipta Abadi, merupakan Perusahaan Kontraktor Mekanikal & Elektrikal, spesialis Fire dan Security System Kelas menengah. Sejak didirikan pada tahun 2008 dan selama bergerak di bidang Fire dan Security System, perusahaan kami telah ikut serta secara aktif dalam perencanaan, pengadaan dan pemasangan serta perawatan perlengkapan Fire dan Security System pada Industri dan Gedung Komersial.

PT. Gemilang Cipta Abadi, merupakan Perusahaan Kontraktor Mekanikal & Elektrikal, spesialis Sistem Keamanan dan Kebakaran Kelas menengah.

Simplex Master Controller
4100ES Series Fire Detection and Control Panels provide extensive installation, operator, and service features with point and module capacities suitable for a wide range of system applications.

BAS - Delta Control
Delta Controls is a global leader in Building Automation Systems (BAS), with over 300 distributors, and many thousand of installations in more than 80 countries. Delta Controls is recognized as a market leader in the manufacture of open-protocol BAS.

CCTV & Security System
NETWORK CAMERA Mini Dome,mini bullet, AF Motorized Pro Bulle, Mini PTZ Dome, Speed Dome, Panoramic Mini Bullet, Panoramic Fisheye...

Horing Lih Fire Alarm System
Professional fire alarm system manufacturer and designer in Taiwan for over 45 years. High quality products including Fire Alarm Control Panel, Detectors, Accessories.

Fire Hydrant and Pump
supplies hydrant component , Types: Wet type, Dry type, Underground. Wet hydrant (wet barrel hydrant) is used in warm climate with water in the barrel always. Dry hydrant (dry barrel hydrant) is used in cold region with air in the barrel if no usage, so to protect the hydrant from freezing.

APAR ( Alat Pemadam Api Ringan) Kimia Kering (Dry Chemical Powder). APAR (Alat Pemadam Api Ringan) Carbon Dioksida (CO2). APAR (Alat Pemadam Api Ringan) Busa (Foam). APAR (Alat Pemadam Api Ringan) Gas Liquid Halon non CFC.